A modification of the Loeffler method of staining bacterial flagella is proposed. The chief points of the modification are: The cultures are inoculated into distilled water after two successive daily transfers on agar slants, and the distilled water cultures are incubated at optimum temperature for from 48 to 72 hours. The mordant (tannic acid, ferrous sulphate, basic fuchsin) is allowed to stand 18 to 24 hours before use, and then cleared by centrifuging or filtering. An anilin water fuchsin is used as a stain. No heat is used for either mordanting or staining; but both mordant and stain are allowed to act on the preparation for 15 minutes. The writer finds the method admirably adapted for use in class work, where nearly 100 per cent success has been obtained except in the case of some three or four species of bacteria that are especially difficult to stain.

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