Excretion of DNA by Purified Human Lymphocyte Subpopulations

A large proportion of DNA synthesized in vitro by human lymphocytes stimulated with plant mitogens or specific antigens is selectively excreted from the cells. To determine if DNA excretion differs among various types of lymphocytes, we examined purified human lymphocyte subpopulations for DNA synthesis and excretion in response to stimulation by L-PHA. The relative proportion of newly synthesized DNA that is excreted by unseparated mononuclear cells, macrophage-depleted cells, T, and B lymphocytes is identical despite great differences in the magnitude of their responses. Low levels of both DNA synthesis and excretion by macrophage-depleted cells and B cells can be increased by reconstitution with macrophages and T cells, respectively. These data indicate that DNA excretion is a general property of lymphocytes stimulated to undergo DNA synthesis by plant mitogens.