The reaction of K atoms with CF3I molecules has been studied using oriented molecules. If the I end is closest to the incoming K atoms, KI is formed and recoils backwards in the centre of mass system. If the CF3 end is closest to the incoming K atoms, KI is again formed but scatters forwards in the CM. This is in contrast to the oriented CH3I + Rb reaction in which no forward scattering is observed from configurations with CH3 closest to the incoming Rb. These observations find possible explanation in two (probably related) mechanisms. Even for CF3I oriented in what appears to be an unfavorable configuration, it is possible for the K atom to fly past the CF3 group and strike the I. This is expected to be less likely in CH3I because the CH3 shields the I more than does CF3. For CF3I (but not CH3I) charge transfer to a repulsive ionic state is postulated. The products are expected to recoil along the direction of the molecular axis and this roughly accounts for the experimental angular distribution.