Electron paramagnetic resonance of photoexcitedNd3+144ion pairs in LaCl3single crystals

The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of photoexcited nearest-neighbor Nd3+144 ion pairs in LaCl3 single crystals has been obtained at a microwave frequency, ∼24.5 GHz, and a temperature, 1.3-1.8 K. The data for four lines of these spectra are well described by the spin Hamiltonian, HS=+|μB|B0·(g1·J1+g2·J2)+J1·K·J2, S1=S2=12 in which the principal values of g1 and g2 are shifted by only very small relative amounts from those previously found for isolated Nd3+144 ions in their ground I924 and their photoexcited I1524 states, respectively, in the LaCl3 crystal. It is concluded that these lines originate with nearest-neighbor pairs in which one of the ions is in the ground state and the other is in the photoexcited state. The signs and magnitudes of the shifts of the g values from those for the isolated ions are accounted for by small distortions of the crystal structure in the vicinity of the photoexcited pair. The measured principal values of K are shown to arise predominantly from magnetic dipole-dipole and superexchange ion-ion interactions. The difference in the values found for the nondipolar interaction between nearest-neighbor pairs in the photoexcited 92, 152 state and in the ground