Fe and Sn Mossbauer effect measurements have been made on the amorphous alloys Fe79SnB20, Fe69SnCr10B20, Fe40Ni39SnB20 and Fe35Ni34SnCr10B20. Hyperfine field distributions, P(H), have been obtained from the Mossbauer spectra using Window's Fourier expansion method. For the Fe-site fields P(H) shows a single well defined peak in those alloys which do not contain Cr and a broadened bimodal distribution in those alloys which do contain Cr. The Sn-site P(H) consists of a broad single peak for all alloys. The results suggest that this distribution might actually be narrower in those alloys which contain Cr. These results are discussed in terms of the local environment of Fe and Sn atoms in amorphous transition metal alloys.