Pade approximants for linear Boltzmann equation. III. Energy albedo for half-space, extrapolated end point

For pt.II see ibid., vol.12, p.1633 (1979). The iteration technique is used to find the relation between the linear functional and Pade approximants. Two illustrative examples are given to show the applicability of the technique: (i) the extrapolated end point; (ii) the energy albedo for half-space, i.e. the classical albedo problem but extended to include energy dependence. The slowing-down kernel is described by elastic scattering and various model representations for dealing with antiisotropic scattering. Numerical comparison with Williams' (1979) results for energy albedo and with Pomraning's results (Pomraning 1967, 1968, Pomraning and Lathrop 1967) for an extrapolated end point show that the technique is constructive.