Chorionic V ill us Sampling Clinical Experience in 50 Diagnostic Cases

The results of 50 diagnostic chorionic villus samplings (CVS) are presented. In all but 2, the fetus was at risk of a chromosomal abnormality. Sampling was successful in 48 cases. One patient aborted 4 days after the procedure. Two patients had missed abortions diagnosed on ultrasound 44 and 56 days after CVS. Seven patients elected to have their pregnancies terminated. All samplings were undertaken with a specially designed cannula using realtime ultrasound guidance between 9 and 11 weeks of amenorrhoea. Endocervical swabs and blood for maternal serum alpha fetoprotein estimations before and after the procedure were routinely taken. All patients were notified of the results in 8 days or less except in 3 where long-term cultures were necessary. Six patients have delivered and 34 pregnancies are continuing satisfactorily.

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