3D Computed Tomographic Analysis of Frontal Recess Anatomy in Patients Without Frontal Sinusitis

OBJECTIVE: Describe frontal sinus pneumatization in patients with no history of frontal sinus disease. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: All 1-mm axial sinus CT scans performed from 2001 through 2003 were eligible for review on a CBYON Suite workstation (CBYON, Mountain View, CA). Exclusion criteria included frontal sinusitis, sinonasal polyposis, age < 18 years, sinus malignancy, fibroosseous lesions, maxillofacial trauma, congenital anomaly, and sinus surgery. RESULTS: A total of 50 patients met the inclusion criteria. The prevalence of each structure was: agger nasi cell (89%), type 1 frontal cell (37%), type 2 frontal cell (19%), type 3 frontal cell (8%), type 4 frontal cell (0%), supraorbital ethmoid cell (62%), suprabullar cell (15%), frontal bullar cell (9%), interfrontal septal cell (14%), and recessus terminalis (22%). CONCLUSIONS: This study describes frontal pneumatization in patients without a history of conditions that influence frontal pneumatization. The results characterize normal frontal recess/sinus pneumatization patterns.