Two classes of pleiotropic mutants of A. aerogenes with multiple defects in sugar and hexitol utilization were isolated. One mutant lacks the enzyme I and another lacks the histidine protein (HPr) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system. Both mutants do not grow on D-mannitol and D-sorbitol and grow slowly or very poorly on D-glucose, D-mannose, D-fructose or maltose. Neither mutant is able to accumulate significant amounts of radioactive material when incubated with C14-D-mannitol, even after growth in the presence of 2% D-mannitol. A spontaneous revertant selected on a single Ca source was isolated from each mutant. All the other pleiotropic defects were corrected in the revertant. A model for the role of this phosphotransferase in active transport is proposed.