Mechanics of Large Deformation of Twisted-Filament Yarns

An extended theory on the mechanics of twisted homogeneous-filament yarns is put forth, in which yarns are regarded as random fiber assemblies characterized by the distributions of fiber orientation; the large deformation is discussed, taking into consideration the possible change in fiber orientation. The obtained result relates the load-strain properties of twisted-filament yarns to those of the original twistless strands, the orientation distributions, and the ratios of transverse contraction of the yarns. The general expression is applied to a special case of constant contraction ratio and reduced to an explicit formula. Experimental estimations of the distributions of orientation and other properties are carried out for actual yarns of various twists, on the basis of which their load-elongation relations are numerically calculated using the special formula. Their agreement with the experimental values is fairly good over the wide range of strain up to the breaking-point for the yarns of moderate twist (less than about 3.2 turns/cm).

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