Low-temperature specific heat of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Hg1xyCdyFexSe

The specific heat of the diluted magnetic semiconductors Hg1xy Cdy FexSe has been measured for temperatures below 25K. The excess specific heat (Cm) has been extracted by scaling of nonmagnetic lattice contributions. The resulting Cm of these systems reveals a broad maximum at T≊10 K, whereas for low temperatures a Schottky-type exponential decay of Cm can be observed. These phenomena can be fairly well understood on the basis of a simple crystal-field model and a random distribution of Fe2+. On the other hand, no drastic effect of the energy gap is clearly reflected by our data and therefore we suggest that only Fe2+ states involving the valence bands dominate the antiferromagnetic d-d interactions, analogously to the Mn2+ case.