Studies on Acidophilus Milk

Ingestion of lactose, sweet milk + lactose or acidophilus milk with or without added lactose, had no material effect upon the numbers of lactobacilli normally growing in the human intestinal tract. However, the types of lactobacilli in acidophilus milk were found in large nos. in fecal specimens from a majority of subjects ingesting this milk but disappeared 2-6 wk. after stopping consumption of acidophilus milk even though continuing to take sweet or sour milk with 3% added beta lactose. The nos. of colon types of bacteria were not changed until acidophilus milk had been taken for 3 mo. or more, when a slight decrease occurred. Streptococci and sporulating anaerobes decreased under acidophilus milk therapy. A definite decrease in indol content of the feces occurred in those subjected to acidophilus milk or to sweet milk + lactose. Moisture content of the stools was increased during ingestion of acidophilus milk but reverted to its original level in 4-6 wk. in constipated subjects who ceased consuming the milk. Changes in the average weight of the stools occurred in a similar manner due in part to consumption of lactose in the milk. Yeasts and sporulating aerobes were unaltered. The pH varied little from the average for human feces, which was 7.3.

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