Ultrastructural localization of glycogen in the granulocytes of normal rabbit bone marrow

The glycogen of rabbit granulocytes has been studied in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixed bone marrow by the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate procedure (PA-TCH-SP). The PA-TCH-SP procedure involved the staining of intracytoplasmic glycogen more densely than the routine lead citrate staining. The PA-TCH-SP procedure demonstrated the intracytoplasmic glycogen in all three kinds of granulocytes. Though a sequence of intensity was observed in each stage of cell maturation, intracytoplasmic glycogen increased generally in accordance with cell maturation in the granulocytes. Functional significance of the glycogen in the granulocytes was discussed in relation to its staining. A very weak reaction in the granules of the granulocytes was described in relation to their contents.