SYNOPSIS. Ten strains of Acanthamoeba from freshwater habitats were isolated in clonal cultures. Studies were made of trophic structure, nuclear division, cyst structure, some aspects of cytochemistry, and other characteristics. One strain was identified as A. castellanii (Douglas, 1930), one as A. astronyxis (Ray and Hayes, 1954), and 8 as A. polyphaga (Puschkarew, 1913). Strains of Acanthamoeba isolated by other workers were also examined comparatively.The pattern of nuclear division in all strains resembled that in metazoan cells, with the exception that centrioles were never found. Trophic amoebae had a PAS‐positive surface outline. Cyst walls were strongly PAS‐positive and also gave a positive test for cellulose with zinc chloroiodide.The genus Acanthamoeba Volkonsky, 1931 is re‐defined, being distinguished from Hartmannella Alexeieff, 1912, emend. Volkonsky, chiefly by the formation of tapering, hyaline pseudopods (acanthopodia) and by a cyst made up of an ectocyst and a polyhedral or stellate endocyst, with excystment by removal of opercula. Other characteristics found in all strains include a distinctive food cup, the presence of many small refractile globules in the cytoplasm of trophic amoebae, and a cyst wall containing cellulose. The degree of spindle convergence, employed by Volkonsky as a generic criterion, was unusable.Differential diagnoses based principally on cyst structure are offered for A. castellanii, A. astronyxis, and A. polyphaga. The strain previously called Mayorella palestinensis Reich, 1933 is a distinct species of Acanthamoeba.