Traumatic brain injury in childhood: intellectual, behavioural and social outcome into adulthood

In order to obtain indicative data regarding intellectual, behavioural and social outcome into adulthood of subjects with a history of childhood head injury (CHI), twenty adults were selected who had been referred to the Neuropsychology Unit at the University of Parma at the time of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) at an age between 8 and 14 years. The level of intellectual and behavioural impairment was determined and rated by WISC and WAIS IQa and by the frequency of maladjustive behaviour. GOS score and Barthel index were used to detect the level of disability. Social adjustment and community integration were determined by the Social Adjustment Scale SAS and the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) respectively. Results indicate that (1) subjects who suffer a severe CHI present a higher pre injury incidence of character disturbances than the normal population and injury related difficulties to socialize which persist long term and add to other problems; (2) even though intellectual and functional sequelae are frequent in these children in adulthood and do not improve in their correlation to age, these do not appear to be the prevailing problems and (3) the prevailing problems seem to be social maladjustment and poor quality of life, which are still present several years post injury and seem to be related to behavioural and psychosocial disorders in spite of an increased ADL functioning. This has already been clearly demonstrated in the case of adulthood trauma.

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