Correlation of Carbohydrate Catabolism and Synthesis of Macromolecules During Enzyme Synthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens

Kirkland, Jerry J. (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater), and Norman N. Durham. Correlation of carbohydrate catabolism and synthesis of macromolecules during enzyme synthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens. J. Bacteriol. 90: 23–28. 1965.—Glucose, ribose, and fructose shorten the lag period required for synthesis of protocatechuate oxygenase. Radioactivity from uracil-2-C14 is incorporated into the hot trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction after a lag period of approximately 20 min after addition of protocatechuic acid. Addition of glucose or ribose simultaneously with the inducer shortens the lag period to approximately 5 min and increases the rate of uracil incorporation. The inducer must be present to initiate incorporation of radioactivity, and the exogenous carbon source accelerates incorporation but is not sufficient to initiate synthesis by itself. The addition of protocatechuic acid increases the rate and total incorporation of radioactivity from uniformly labeled glucose or ribose-1-C14 into the hot trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction. Ribose decreases the incorporation of radioactivity from uniformly labeled glucose into the hot trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction, and glucose shows a similar effect on incorporation of radioactivity from ribose-1-C14, indicating the two sugars are serving in the same capacity to enhance enzyme synthesis. Radioactivity from glucose-1-C14 is not incorporated into the hot trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction. The results suggest that glucose and ribose shorten the lag period for inducible enzyme formation by serving as a “specific” carbon source for synthesis of macromolecules such as ribonucleic acid.