Isolation and Characterization of Chitinase from a Flake-chitin Degrading Marine Bacterium,Aeromonas hydrophilaH-2330

A flake-chitin degrading marine bacterium was isolated and identified as Aeromonas hydrophila. This strain secreted five chitinases and an β-N-acetylglucosaminidase. The main chitinase (Chi-A) was purified and characterized. The optimum pH of Chi-A was 5–8, and the activity was inhibited by Hg2+ and Fe3+. Chi-A was different from chitinases of other Aeromonas species with respect to molecular weight (62, 000) and insensitivity to monoiodoacetate. The amino-terminal amino acid sequence showed extensive similarity with chitinases from Gram-negative bacteria.

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