Exclusive vector-meson production in muon-proton scattering

From a muon-proton scattering experiment with a streamer chamber at the Stanford Linear Accelerator we present results in the ranges 0.3<Q2<4.7 GeV2 and 1.7<W<4.7 GeV for the reactions μ+pμpV where V is a vector meson (ρ0, ω, or φ). It is shown that in ρ production the skewing parameter and the longitudinal-transverse ratio change significantly as Q2 increases above 1 GeV2. The cross section for ρ0 production as a function of Q2 falls below the vector-meson-dominance prediction. The ratio of the cross section for exclusive vector-meson production to the total cross section falls by a factor of 10 between photoproduction and a Q2 of 2 GeV2, yet the ratio of ω to ρ production remains constant at the photoproduction value out to Q2>2 GeV2.