Codon recognition mechanisms in plant chloroplasts

In chloroplasts, all 61 sense codons are found in chloroplast (cp) DNA sequences coding for proteins. However among the sequenced cp tRNAs or tRNA genes, tRNAs with anticodons complementary to codons CUU/C (Leu), CCU/C (Pro), GCU/C (Ala) and CGC/A/G (Arg) [or CGC/A (Arg) in Marchantia] have not been found. In this paper we show that cp tRNAAla(U*GC), cp tRNAPro(U*GG) and cp tRNAArg(ICG) are able to decode the corresponding four-codon family. In the case of leucine codons CUU/C, we show that ‘U:U and U:C wobble’ mechanisms can operate to allow the reading of these codons by cp tRNALeu (UAm7G).