SYNOPSIS.Holotrich ciliates from the stomach contents ofHippopotamus amphibiusare described, including details of their infraciliature. They are placed in 4 families: subclass Holotrichia, order Gymnostomatida, suborder Rhabdophorina, family Buetschliidae:Blepharozoum binucleatumn.sp.,Cucurbella vivaxn.g., n.sp.; order Trichostomatida, family Plagiopylidae:Paraplagiopyla kibokon.g., n.sp.; family Paraisotrichidae:Paraisotricha minutaHsiung, 1930; family Blepharocorythidae:Charonina hippopotamin.sp.Paraisotricha minutaappears identical to the form found in the cecum and colon of the horse;Blepharozoum binucleatum, Cucurbella vivaxandCharonina hippopotamialso approach species found in the digestive tract of Equidae. By contrast,Paraplagiopyla kibokoresembles species that are free‐living or are commensal in the digestive tract of Echinodermata.