Effects of cyclophosphamide, cis-platinum, nitrosourea (ACNU), melphalan, and dacarbazine on a cytogenetically highly malignant neuroblastoma xenograft

The effects of eight different chemotherapeutic agents were studied on a human neuroblastoma xenograft, designated TNB9, according to the standard Battelle Columbus Laboratories protocol. Cytogenetically and molecular‐cytogenetically, this xenograft is known to have a homogeneously staining region (HSR) on chromosome 20 and to exhibit 60‐ to 80‐fold amplification of clone #8 (1.75 kb) and N‐myc (2.1 kb) in the HSR. Our previous analyses of cytogenetic and phenotypic characteristics on nine human neuroblastoma xenografts demonstrated that TNB9 is one of the most malignant strains of neuroblastoma. The in vivo chemotherapeutic sensitivity assessment disclosed that cyclophosphamide, cis‐platinum, nitrosourea (ACNU), melphalan, and dacarbazine (DTIC) are effective, while aclarubicin, vincristine, and cytosine arabino‐side are quite ineffective against this neuroblastoma xenograft.