Barium enema is currently the most commonly performed fluoroscopic procedure. In general, it is not possible to measure directly gonadal dose in women during this procedure. A measurement method to allow an estimate of radiation dose to the ovaries is described. The method uses thermoluminescent dosimeters attached to the tip of the rectal tube to measure radiation dose during procedures. A series of measurements was made at a university hospital equipped with an image-intensified, camera-based X-ray system and at a private clinic with a mirror-optics X-ray system. Measurements were made on both single contrast and double contrast barium enema examinations. On the image-intensified, camera-based X-ray system, the average results of dose measurements for single and double contrast barium enema were 3.11 mGy and 6.50 mGy and the results for the mirror optics system were 1.57 mGy and 3.64 mGy, respectively.