Energy Balance Measurements with Corn Meal and Ground Oats for Lactating Cows

Energy balance was measured with lactating cows consuming diets of 40% alfalfa hay, 5.5~ soybean meal, and 54.5% of either corn meal or ground oats. The net energy value for lactation (Mcal/kg dry matter) of the oats diet (1.60) agreed with that predicted by --.12 -t- ,0266 total digestible nutrients (% of dry matter) whereas the net energy value of the corn meal diet (1.67) was lower than predicted (1.72). The lower effi- ciency of the corn meal diet was asso- eiated with depression in milk fat con- tent. Net energies of corn meal and ground oats determined by difference were 1.85 and 1.73 Meal per kg of dry matter. Total digestible nutrient values of the total diets were considerably below comparable values listed in tables of feed composition published by the National Research Council. Actual total digestible nutrient values of the eorn and oats dry matter by difference were 77 and 69%. Consecutive trials with animals con- suming the same diets demonstrated that 1 wk was adequate for adaptation by cows previously unfamiliar with the res- piration apparatus.

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