An azo dye technique was used to investigate localization of the acid hydrolase,β-glucuronidase, at light and electron microscope level in the stomach and digestive gland of the marine periwinkleLittorina littorea. Activity forβ-glucuronidase was located principally within digestive cells of the digestive gland and also associated with the microvillous border and epithelial cells lining the stomach. At the light microscope level all digestive tubules showed activity which appeared essentially restricted to the large heterolysosomes of the digestive cells. However not all digestive cells showed activity. In the electron microscope, reaction product was apparent in all types of macrovesicle in the digestive cells although not all stained positively. Heterophagosomes typically showed reaction product around their periphery or associated with the electron opaque contents. Activity was commonly seen around the apical edge of heterolysosomes where merging of heterophagosomes into heterolysosomes was apparent. Reaction product was commonly located within small electron lucent vesicles which lined the internal membrane of the heterolysosomes but sometimes also associated with flocculent, electron opaque contents. In the stomach dense clusters of reaction product were visible in lysosomes in the basal region of the epithelial cells and in the large granular inclusions of the secretory cells.

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