The hydrometeorological model described in this manual was developed to predict seasonal streamflow from water in storage in a basin using streamflow and precipitation data. The model, as described, applies specifically to the Skokomish, Nisqually, and Cowlitz Rivers, in Washington State, and more generally to streams in other regions that derive seasonal runoff from melting snow. Thus the techniques demonstrated for these three drainage basins can be used as a guide for applying this method to other streams. Input to the computer program consists of daily averages of gaged runoff of these streams, and daily values of precipitation collected at Longmire, Kid Valley, and Cushman Dam. Predictions are based on estimates of the absolute storage of water, predominately as snow: storage is approximately equal to basin precipitation less observed runoff. A pre-forecast test season is used to revise the storage estimate and improve the prediction accuracy. To obtain maximum prediction...