Introduction The inheritance of congenital monochromatism has been variously attributed to an autosomal, incomplete sex-linked1 and X-linked recessive2 modes of transmission. This confusion has arisen at least in part from the fact, as recent psychophysical measurements3-6 make abundantly clear, that there are several different varieties of monochromatism. Although these varieties can be differentiated from each other only by rather elaborate psychophysical measurements (ones rarely used in genetic studies), there is no reason to expect that they will all have the same means of genetic transmission. In the present paper some of the psychophysical and other ophthalmological findings in a pedigree with an X-linked recessive mode of inheritance (Fig 1) are presented. In the subsequent7 paper the results of further tests will be described which suggest that this family has a rare atypical form of congenital monochromatism. Report of Cases Monochromats Case 1 (VI-16; Fig 1).

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