Factors Affecting the Removal of Radiostrontium from Milk by Ion Exchange Resins

The effect of temperature, flow rate and direction of flow through columns of cationic ion exchange resins on the removal of radiostrontium from milk was studied. The milk was labeled in vivo with Sr-85. Milk temperature within the range of 40-80 F did not affect the amount removed (about 85%) when the milk was acidified to a pH of 5.4. When milk was passed through at normal pH (6.65), there was about 8% more removal at 100 F than at 40 F. The amount removed from the first 30 resin bed volumes (r.b.v.) decreased from 96%-71% as the flow rate was increased from 0.125 to 2.00 r.b.v./min. About 8% more Sr was removed by downflow than by upflow of milk at a flow rate of 0.25 r.b.v./min. and 12% more at 1.0 r.b.v./min.