High-fidelity continuous-variable quantum teleportation toward multistep quantum operations

The progress in quantum operations of continuous-variable (CV) schemes can be reduced to that in CV quantum teleportation. The fidelity of quantum teleportation of an optical setup is limited by the finite degree of quantum correlation that can be prepared with a pair of finitely squeezed states. Reports of improvement of squeezing level have appeared recently, and we adopted the improved methods in our experimental system of quantum teleportation. As a result, we teleported a coherent state with a fidelity F=0.83±0.01, which is better than any other figures reported to date, to our knowledge. In this paper, we introduce a measure ns, the number of teleportations expected to be carried out sequentially. Our result corresponds to ns=5.0±0.4. It suggests that our improvement would enable us to proceed toward more advanced quantum operations involving multiple steps.