
Fr mm^ f^rS%^ Spring Spring lies camouflaged beneath die clod, Behind die birch bud, Coiled and ready at die signal of die sun To splash die country side Witii gold and green, purple and pink. Everytiiing is awash in die evening sun. Spring drips, trickles, and blows, Gets all in a frenzyNests to build and buds to bloom Grass to green Families to make, to modier. Juices tingle up dirough die trunks of trees And dirough my veins, puss> So soft Yet so pregnant Against my finger. Thrushes glide over me fields Complaining all die while, Their stomachs snake-belly white In die setting sun. The high white cirrus clouds Just hang diere Like Vincent Van Gogh's sweeping brush strokes On blue canvas. -Adrian Kash Through die fuflv strutted buds Of die pussy wific low 30 ...

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