Effects of diet and type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia upon structure of triacylglycerols and phosphatidyl cholines from human plasma lipoproteins

Four normal and two individuals with Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia were placed on the National Heart and Lung Institute Type IIa diet (low cholesterol, sn-1 position and mostly 18∶1 in positionssn-2 and 3. There was a marked difference in the distribution of 18∶2 in low density lipoproteins of the normal and Type IIa individuals. The control contained equal amounts of 18∶2 in thesn-1 andsn-3 positions, whereas IIa low density lipoprotein was asymmetric with 26% of the 18∶2 in positionsn-1 and 3% in thesn-3 position. Very low density lipoprotein was asymmetric with regard to 18∶2 in control and IIa samples with an average of 5% of the 18∶2 in positionsn-1 and 40% in positionsn-3. The phosphatidyl cholines contained predominantly 16∶0 and 18∶0 in positionsn-1, whereas the acids in positionsn-2 were unsaturated with very little difference between lipoprotein classes. Neither the short dietary periods nor source of plasma affected the structure of the phosphatidyl cholines.

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