Social Security in Zimbabwe : Phase II: Zunde raMambo and Burial Societies

In Phase II of this study the Zimbabwean team selected the Zunde raMambo and burial societies for an in-depth study. Four provinces were selected and key informants were interviewed from senior officials to members of these organizations at the grassroots. Zunde raMambo, which provide for the contingency of famine and chronic poverty, was useful in alleviating the plight of rural people but the scheme was not being implemented in all communities because of problems such as lack of fertile land, inputs and poor community mobilization. Communities need more land, seed and fertilizers and community members should be encouraged to participate in the Zunde. Burial societies were quite common in urban areas although not in rural areas. Their effectiveness is compromised by the low monthly contributions at at time when the cost of funerals has risen. Most of these societies operate without constitutions, resulting in suspicions of mismanagement or misappropriation of funds. The study recommends that burial societies develop constitutions to guide their operations. They should also increase their contributions in order to get maximum benefits and engage in income-generating projects to enhance the viability of their clubs. The non-governmental sector could be very useful in building the capacity of burial society committee members to discharge their duties effectively. African Journal of Social Work Vol.17(2) 2002: 132-153

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