Scanning electron microscopy of ejaculated baboon (Papio anubis) spermatozoon

Scanning electron microscopy has been used in order to provide the morphological study including comparative measurements of the main parts of the Baboon spermatozoon. If the dimensions of the head and the mid-piece are fairly close to the human spermatozoon, the Baboon spermatozoon is practically twice as long as the human one. In the Baboon spermatozoon, the head appears smooth with only a light transversal furrow at the level of its posterior third, which probably marks the limit of the posterior border of the equatorial segment. The mid-piece, a conical trunk, is larger in its anterior part than at the level of its posterior extremity. The end-piece appears very short as compared with the total length of the sperm cell. The technical modalities of the preparation and the possibility of artifacts are briefly discussed.