Low-band gap poly(di-2-thienylthienopyrazine):fullerene solar cells

Two side-chain substituted poly(di-2-thienylthienopyrazine)s (PBEHTT and PTBEHT) are used as electron donor together with phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as an electron acceptor in low-band gap bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells. These low-band gap polymers absorb light up to 1μm . Under simulated AM1.5 conditions PTBEHT:PCBM devices provide a short circuit current of Jsc=3.5mAcm2 , an open circuit voltage of Voc=0.56V , and a power conversion efficiency of η=1.1% . Photoresponse up to 1μm has been observed with external quantum efficiencies exceeding 15% in the 700900nm region.