Diagnostik der tiefen Beinvenenthrombose mit der farbkodierten Duplexsonographie

One hundred and twenty-nine lower limbs in 103 patients with suspected deep leg vein or pelvic vein thrombosis were examined by colour-coded duplex sonography and the results compared with phlebography. The deep veins could be demonstrated from the popliteal to the distal external iliac vein and internal structure and blood-flow could be evaluated. The procedure can diagnose not only occluding thrombus, but also thrombus with surrounding blood flow and post-thrombotic changes. Fresh venous thromboses can be recognised with a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 97%. Colour-coded duplex sonography is a simple, rapid and reliable method in all patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis. Our experience suggests that it can replace phlebography for the above-mentioned venous territories and problems.

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