The general nature of the change in energy level structures along an isoelectronic sequence is reviewed, with particular emphasis on relativistic effects and changes in coupling conditions. The accuracy of computed wavelengths is checked by comparison with experimental data on inner-shell (x-ray) transitions in singly ionized atoms. Relativistic effects can be extremely important for = 0 transitions, but are taken into account fairly accurately by the approximate relativistic methods used. Computed ionization energies are given for important ions of Cr, Fe, Ni, Kr, Mo, Xe, W, and Au. Computed wavelengths and oscillator strengths are given for resonance lines of most of these elements in the simple isoelectronic sequences of neutral Li, Be, Na, Mg, K, Ni, Cu, and Zn, and more detailed electric- and magnetic-dipole spectra are given for ions of greatest importance.