Depicting fire and other gaseous phenomena using diffusion processes

Developing a visually convincing model of fire, smoke, and othergaseousphenomenaisamongthemostdifficult andattractive problems in computer graphics. We have created new methods of animating a wide range of gaseous phenomena, including the particularlysubtleproblemofmodelling"wispy"smokeandsteam, usingfarfewerprimitivesthanbefore. Onesignificantinnovationis the reformulation and solution of the advection-diffusion equation for densities composed of "warped blobs". These blobs more accuratelymodelthe distortions that gasesundergowhenadvected bywind fields. We alsointroducea simplemodelfor theflameof a fire and its spread. Lastly, we present an efficient formulation and implementation ofglobal illumination in the presenceofgasesand fire. Our models are specifically designed to permit a significant degree of user control over the evolution of gaseousphenomena.