Ovine Uterine Morphogenesis: Histochemical Aspects of Endometrial Development in the Fetus and Neonate

Uterine tissues obtained from fetal (d 60 to term; n = 17; d 0 = day of mating) and neonatal (n = 9; d 0 = birth) lambs were subjected to alcian blue-8GX and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-lectin histochemistry to determine if alcianophilic properties of the epitheliomesenchymal interface (EMI) changed during endometrial morphogenesis and to characterize distribution of binding sites for seven FITC-lectins during uterine development. Neonatal lambs were subjected to bilateral ovariectomy and unilateral hysterectomy (BOHX; n = 3) or unilateral ovariohysterectomy (UOHX; n = 3) on d 0. Remaining tissues were recovered on d 14. Procedures allowed within-animal comparisons of endometrial responses and assessment of the role of the ovary in endometrial morphogenesis. Uteri also were obtained from three intact neonatal lambs by hysterectomy (d 14, d 15 and d 26). Alcianophilic properties of the EMI characteristic of polyanionic glycosaminoglycans (GAG) changed with onset of endometrial remodelling after fetal d 60 and were characterized by loss of EMI alcianophilia at or above .3 M MgCl2 and at low pH. Alcianophilic properties of the neonatal endometrium suggested restabilization of lumenal EMI and destabilization of the EMI in developing endometrial glands. Five of seven FITC-lectins bound to both fetal and neonatal uterine tissue. Tissues from UOHX, BOHX and intact ewes were indistinguishable histochemically. Data provide evidence of a role for GAG in ovine endometrial morphogenesis, ovary-independent initiation of endometrial glandular development, and illustrate potential uses of FITC-lectin conjugates in studies of ungulate uterine tissues. Copyright © 1988. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1988 by American Society of Animal Science.