Object-oriented fuzzy expert system for on-line diagnosing and control of bioprocesses

An object-oriented fuzzy expert system to support on-line control of an automated fermentation plant is described. The major elements of the system consist of a fuzzy inference engine, a database, a knowledge base, and an expression evaluater. The expression evaluater calculates specific rates for growth, and substrate and product formation at different physiological states during the cultivation from the measured data. The specific rates are then compared with the standard target rates stored in the database. If differences outside the set tolerances were observed, the inference engine analyses the reasons for the faults on the basis of the knowledge represented in the form of a knowledge network and fuzzy membership functions of the process variables. The fuzzy expert system was developed on the basis of a shell constructed by using the object oriented Smalltalk/V Mac programming environment, with Lactobacillus casei lactic acid fermentation as the example of process application.

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