A long lytic cycle in filamentous phage Cf1tv infectingXanthomonas campestris pv.citri

In this study the lytic cycle of a filamentous phage is reported. Under normal laboratory cultivation conditions a virulent form could spontaneously and easily arise from a temperate phage. The virulent one could superinfect cells containing Cf1t lysogen. Therefore, we have named it Cf1tv. In a colony formation assay using cells from an infected culture, two types of colonies were observed, small and large. It could be proven that the formation of small colonies is the result of killing during Cf1tv infection. The number of small colony forming units (cfu) increased with infection time and reached a maximum at 16 h after infection, then dropped to the initial cell concentration at 28 h after infection; 28 h were required to kill all infected cells. Large colonies contained uninfected or phage-resistant cells, but no lysogenic cells. Bacterial death was further confirmed by a microculture assay. At 2 h after infection, normal-dividing cells (cfu giving large colonies) contained about 40% of Cf1tv-infected cells, then the percentage decreased with infection time. Slow-dividing cells (infected cfu giving small colonies) initially contained 55% of cells; this percentage increased slightly at 4 h after infection, then decreased at 8 h after infection. Non-dividing cells initially contained 5% of infected cells, then their numbers rapidly increased with time after infection. The cell division was seriously affected and finally stopped. During one-step growth, the latent period was 30 min and there was no burst; phages were released at 30 min after infection and the rate of release increased gradually with time after infection. Phage DNA integration into host chromosome could not be observed.