Studies on Permanent Creasing of Cotton Garments

The Southern Regional Research Laboratory has initiated work on the application of resin formulations to cotton garments for the express purpose of imparting permanent creases to them. In its full scope, the project has two phases: application to finished garments and application to yard goods, with resin curing in each case being accom plished on the finished garment. Advantages and disadyantages of the processes are described. Methods of application, procedures, and results are given for application of a dimethylol cyclic ethylene urea (CEU) formulation to swatches of fabric and to gar ments. Description is given of the effect of a numler of variables, such as the effect of storage on impregnated cloth, possibilities of stripping, precautions in drying and curing, durability to laundering, effect of sizing, effect of catalysts, and results using related resins in varying the formulation. Ultimate objectives are given including cooperative work with other research agencies to utilize standard drycleaning equipment for commercial application, use on yard goods, and development of non-chlorine-retentive finishes suitable for white goods in imparting permanent creases to cotton garments.