Agrobacterium rhizogenesMediated Transformation of the Wild SoybeansGlycine canescensand G.clandestine: Production of Transgenic Plants ofG. canescens

Six accessions of Glycine canescens and four of G. clandestina were evaluated for their response to inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain LBA 9402. The response was accession-dependent, with 9% to 70% of the seedlings producing roots following infection of the hypocotyl. Excised cotyledons were less responsive than hypocotyls. Roots exhibited plagiotropic and negatively geotropic growth in culture on hormone-free agar medium; those of G. canescens produced shoots on B5 based medium containing 10 mg dm−3 BAP and 0.05 mg dm−3 IBA. Cultured roots and regenerated shoots synthesized opines. DNA sequences homologous to those of pRi TL and TR-DNA were present in a clonally propagated regenerated plant of G. canescens.