A precise definition of an adiabaticity parameter $\nu$ of a time-dependent Hamiltonian is proposed. A variation of the time-dependent perturbation theory is presented which yields a series expansion of the evolution operator $U(\tau)=\sum_\ell U^{(\ell)}(\tau)$ with $U^{(\ell)}(\tau)$ being at least of the order $\nu^\ell$. In particular $U^{(0)}(\tau)$ corresponds to the adiabatic approximation and yields Berry's adiabatic phase. It is shown that this series expansion has nothing to do with the $1/\tau$-expansion of $U(\tau)$. It is also shown that the non-adiabatic part of the evolution operator is generated by a transformed Hamiltonian which is off-diagonal in the eigenbasis of the initial Hamiltonian. Some related issues concerning the geometric phase are also discussed.

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