Interraterreliabilität der deutschsprachigen Version der Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS)

The interrater reliability of the German version of the CPRS was examined in 30 patients (18 schizophrenic, 11 depressive and 1 manic). All patients were examined by the same two raters. The agreement of 55 out of 65 items was determined using the kappa coefficient. Kappa was calculated concerning symptom present/not present and difference ≤ 2/difference > 2. 49 or 54 items show a moderate to excellent agreement. Items based on self-rating have a better interrater reliability than items based on the rating of the psychiatrists. The interrater reliability of the syndromes was calculated, using the rank correlation coefficient. The agreement concerning the 4 primary and the 2 second-order factors is high or excellent. The good results show the usefulness of the CPRS for the assessment of psychopathological findings.

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