Genetics and Speciation of Three Semispecies of Neotoma

The genetic structure of 19 natural populations of three semispecies of Neotoma (N. albigula, N. micropus, and N. floridana) was analyzed using starch-gel electrophoresis. Of the 20 loci examined, nine were considered monomorphic, with the same allele fixed in the three semispecies. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population for the three was 0.263, whereas the mean proportion of loci heterozygous per individual was 7.8%. The greatest contributors to heterozygosity were the Hb-1, Hb-2, Alb-1, Es-3, and 6-Pgd loci. The mean coefficient of genetic similarity (S) between the three semispecies was 0.765 and is comparable to values obtained for other semispecies. Average genic identity (I) between the three semispecies was 0.881, and 78% of the loci examined had identity values greater than 0.95. Divergence time estimated from biochemical data indicates the three species diverged approximately 155,000 years B.P. at about the beginning of the Wisconsin glacial.