SINCE THE EYELIDS are composed of both skin and mucous membrane, including their supporting and adnexal structures, it would be expected that a great variety of tumors associated with skin and mucosa will eventually be seen on or in the eyelids. The adnexae in the lids are somewhat specialized in structure and function. These include the cilia or lashes, the follicles from which they grow, and three types of glands which open onto the lid margins. The glands of Moll are modified apocrine sweat glands which open either into the lash follicles or separately between them. The glands of Zeis are small sebaceous glands connected with the follicles. The meibomian glands are long sebaceous glands present in the tarsal plate and are noted as yellow streaks in the conjunctiva. They open on the orbital side of the lid margin. The glands of Krause and Wolfring are two sets of