The exact eigenvalues (for ground and excited states) of the constant-coupled one-band model for Nf fermions on N sites were obtained. Both electrons (T<0, where T is the coefficient of the term representing the "hopping energy") and holes (T>0) were considered, and results were obtained for 2NfN and N=2, 3, and 4. Only the Nf=2, N=3 and Nf=3, N=4 with T>0 cases gave a purely ferromagnetic ground state. These cases also showed a ferromagnetic state at higher energy. The eigenvalues were calculated as a function of UT, where U represents the Coulomb energy of repulsion for electrons on the same site. The total spins of the states were obtained from their splitting in a magnetic field. The hopping term was found to be dominant for |UT| as large as one. The calculations support the suggestion that the ground state is usually antiferromagnetic.

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