'Sabouraud glucose agar' is the name recommended for present-day versions of the medium originally designed by Raymond Sabouraud. The title 'Sabouraud glucose agar' implies a medium comprising 1% (w:v) peptone, 4% (w:v) glucose and 1.5-2.0% (w:v) agar with a final pH of 5.6 and should not be applied to any other formulation, in the interests of inter-laboratory reproducibility. Use of the word 'dextrose' as a synonym for 'glucose' is not recommended. The colony forms, microscopic characteristics and other physiological properties of fungi cultivated on Sabouraud glucose agar may vary considerably according to the type of peptone used in the medium. The type of agar chosen and the conditions of autoclave sterilization are further obstacles to true standardization of this widely used mycological culture medium.

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