Familial Breast Carcinoma

To the Editor.— Breast carcinoma in four women in one family (a mother and three of her five daughters) is presented. Familial breast carcinoma has been infrequently reported in the past and it is felt that there is a specific hereditary tendency. Report of Cases.—Case 1 (Mother). — In December 1948, at 46 years of age, she had a left radical mammectomy performed. The pathological diagnosis was scirrhous carcinoma with one axillary lymph node showing metastatic carcinoma. In August 1961, when 59 years of age, she had a right radical mammectomy performed. The microscopic diagnosis was undifferentiated infiltrating carcinoma with some scirrhous reaction, with one axillary lymph node demonstrating metastasis. At the time of this report she is alive and apparently free of metastatic disease. Case 2 (Daughter).— When 43 years of age, she had a right radical mammectomy performed (May 1966). The microscopic diagnosis was adenocarcinoma with