Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Head and Neck

The uncommon malignant soft-tissue neoplasm, rhabdomyosarcoma, has been reported as arising from a wide variety of anatomic sites. The majority of documented rhabdomyosarcomas have had their origin in peripheral skeletal muscle and soft tissues. Stobbe and Dargeon1 were the first to consider head and neck rhabdomyosarcomas as a clinical and pathologic group. Earlier, Pack and Eberhart2 had proposed that visceral and lingual rhabdomyosarcomas be placed in a separate category. The largest number of head and neck rhabdomyosarcomas observed and treated at any one center is that reported from the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York City. Stobbe and Dargeon and Moore and Grossi reported a total of 52 cases over a 25-year period from that institution.1,3 Other studies consist of considerably smaller series or single case reports. We have made pathological and clinical observations on 9 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma arising in structures of the