Time-resolved laser spectroscopy of excited Hg2molecules

Highly excited (Rydberg) states in Hg2 molecules were populated by two successive laser pulses, a 'pump' and a 'probe' pulse, with several mu s delay between them. The time evolution of the band fluorescence emitted in the decay of these states was analysed with a transient digitiser and a spectrometer, yielding the average fluorescent decay times for bands at 2590, 2612, 2718, 3300, 4200, 4514, 5097 and 6330 AA, as well as the average lifetimes of the 61D2 and 63D2 atomic states which agree well with other recent determinations. The observed time decays of the molecular bands and of the accompanying atomic fluorescence provide a basis for the assignment of the bands to specific molecular states and transitions.